
From elementary school through college, many teachers discover their students use cannabis regularly or are experimenting with cannabis.  Yet, how does one prepare to address this?  How potentially harmful is frequent use to young not fully matured bodies?  Teachers having a basic understanding of cannabis’ effects specific to a young population are essential knowledge.  In states where cannabis is legal for recreational use, children may find cannabis in their homes.  Very young children innocently eating edibles can end up in hospital emergency room.


  • How does a teacher detect a child’s cannabis use?
  • Recommendations for how to address student use
  • Are there legal issues that must be addressed?
  • How to managed prescribed medicinal cannabis in the school and classroom
  • What to tell students about cannabis?
  • Does one report cannabis users to administrators?

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Cannabis patient navigator consultants hold an M.S. Master’s of Science degree in Pharmacy specializing in Medical Cannabis Science & Therapeutics from the University of Maryland Pharmacy School.

Disclaimer: We do not diagnose, prescribe or treat any ailments or medical conditions.

This service and website provides educational materials to create the most effective use of cannabinoids for your needs.